Third Party Content
Big thanks to all the community who help out with SystemsR3/EcsR3.
While this is the R3 version of EcsRx a lot of the tutorials and information on the EcsRx project can be applied here as they are almost identical in terms of high level functionality.
Hey, I want to have my plugin listed too!
Great stuff buddy, all you need to do is add it here in a PR with a link to the plugin (with optional profile link) and a blurb about what the plugin is/does, or if you don't fancy that just raise an issue detailing the above and we can add it for you.
Community Plugins
A SystemsRx Plugin that provides a base notion for implementing a plugin to control when a system is started and stopped with ease.
A minimalistic MVVM framework for the new Unity UI Toolkit build on EcsRx
Community Examples/Tutorials
This was an official EcsRx example for unity consumers but it's often forgotten so adding it here.
A simple web based auto battler made using SystemRx, OpenRpg and Blazor. It was mainly done as a live stream but the repo can be used to see how to run SystemsRx/EcsRx in the browser.
Games Made With SystemsR3/EcsR3
Last updated